Wednesday, January 1, 2014

strong, soft, weak, and phantom references: the double rainbows of java

did you just make a double rainbow metaphor?

Yes, because like the double rainbow video, you may look at soft, weak or phantom references and say to yourself "what does it mean?!" It's easy to mix up soft vs weak if you're new to them, and it's also easy to be confused by soft references since they are often referred to as a "poor man's cache." Phantom references, on the other hand, offer such a different type of functionality that you'll probably never need to use them... unless you need to at which point they're literally the only thing that can do what they do in Java.

Hopefully, by the end of this post, you'll just look at them and say "full on!" (another video reference). This isn't even a triple rainbow; this is a quadruple rainbow we're dealing with. The goal is to help provide a clear but concise summary of what these do, when you would use them, and what their impact is on the JVM and garbage collector.

Before we continue though, a few words of warning about these types:

  • These types have a direct impact on Java's very sophisticated garbage collector. Use them wrong, and you can end up regretting it.
  • Since these expedite when something is eligible for garbage collection, you can end up getting null returned when you weren't previously.
  • These should only be used in specific cases, where you're absolutely positive you need the behavior they offer. You should be no means look at these and see a general replacement for what you're doing or a myriad number of ways to change your code.
  • If you're going to use these at all, do a code review with someone else, preferably a senior developer, principal developer, or architect. They're powerful, impactful, and easy to use incorrectly, so even if you quadruple checked your code and think to yourself "Nailed it!", have someone else go over it with you; a pair of fresh eyes on code can make all the difference in the world.

strong references, and a brief jvm crash course

Any reference (or object) you create is a strong reference; this is the default behavior of Java. Strong references exist in the heap for as long as they're reachable, which means some thread in the application can reach that reference (object) without actually using a Reference instance, and potentially longer depending on the necessity for a full GC cycle. Any reference you create (barring things that are interned, which is another discussion) is added to the heap, first in an area called the young generation. The garbage collector keeps an eye on the young generation all the time, since most objects (references) that get created are short lived and eligible to be garbage collected shortly after their creation. Once an object survives the young generation's GC cycles, it's promoted to the old generation and sticks around.

Once something ends up in the old generation, the garbage collection characteristics are different. Full GC cycles will free up memory in the old generation, but to do so they have to pause the application to know what can be freed up. There's a lot more to talk about here, but it's beyond the scope of this post. Full GC pauses can be very slow depending on the size of your heap/old generation, and generally only happen when its absolutely necessary to free up space (I say generally because the JVM's -client and -server options have an effect on this behavior). An object can exist in the old generation and no longer be strongly reachable in your application, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily going to be garbage collected if your application doesn't have to free up memory.

There are multiple reasons why the JVM may need to free up memory. You may need to move something from the young generation to the old, and you don't have enough space. You may have an old generation that's highly fragmented from many small objects being collected, and your application needs a larger block of contiguous space to store something. Whatever the reason, if you can't free up the space you need in the heap, you'll be in OutOfMemoryError town. Conversely, if you're low on memory you can also create conditions where you're creating a barrage of young and old garbage collection passes, often referred to as thrashing, which can tank the performance of your application.

weak references

I'm going to deviate from the canonical ordering in the title of this post and explain weak references before soft, because I think it's far easier to understand soft after you understand weak.

Think of a WeakReference as a way of giving a hint to the garbage collector that something is not particularly important and can be aggressively garbage collected. An object is considered "weakly reachable" if it's no longer strongly reachable and only reachable via the referent field of a WeakReference instance. You can wrap something inside of a WeakReference, which is then accessible via the get() method, as shown in the example below:

If the instance inside of value is only reachable via value, it's eligible for garbage collection. If it's garbage collected, then value.get() will return null. The garbage collector has a level of awareness of weak references (and for all Reference types for that matter) and can be more strategic about reclaiming memory as such.

Now, you may be asking yourself: "when would I use weak references?" Most of the other resources on the web say one of two things: WeakHashMap is an example of how to use them, and using them for canonicalized mappings. I think both of these are poor answers for a few reasons: WeakHashMap is dangerous to use if used incorrectly (read the JavaDoc), and I highly doubt that the average person who is just learning about weak references will read "use them for canonicalized mappings", slap their hand on their forehead and exclaim "Oh! Of course!"

That said, there's a very practical example of using weak references via WeakHashMap written by Brian Goetz that I will attempt to paraphrase. When you store a key-value pair in a Map, the key and value are strongly reachable as long as the map is. Let's say we have a case where, once the key is garbage collected, the value should be too: a clear example of this is a parent-child relationship where we don't need the children if we don't have the parent. If we use the parent as the key to a WeakHashMap instance, it ends up wrapped in a WeakReference, meaning that once the parent is no longer strongly reachable anywhere else in the application it can be garbage collected. The WeakHashMap can then go back and clean up the value stored with the key by using a ReferenceQueue, which I explain further down in this post.

Previous to that paragraph, I mentioned WeakHashMap can be dangerous, and I'd like to expand on that. It's not uncommon that someone may think a WeakHashMap is a good candidate for a cache, which is likely a recipe for problems. Usually a cache is used as a means to store data in memory that has a (potentially huge) cost to load, meaning the value is what you want to have long-lived and not necessarily the key, which is probably quite dynamic in nature. If you use a WeakHashMap without long-lived keys, you'll be purging stuff out of it quite often, and probably cause a large amount of overhead in your application. So, if you're going to use WeakHashMap, the first question you must ask yourself is: how long-lived is the key to this map?

soft references, sometimes referred to as the "poor man's cache"

The differences between a SoftReference and a WeakReference are straightforward on the surface but quite complex behind the scenes. Just like the definition of "weakly reachable", a reference is considered to be "softly reachable" if it's no longer strongly reachable and is only reachable via the referent field of a SoftReference instance. While a weak reference will be GC'd as aggressively as possible, a soft reference will be GC'd only if an OutOfMemoryError would be thrown if it wasn't reclaimed, or if it hasn't been used recently. The former case is pretty easy to understand: none of your strongly referenced objects are eligible for GC and you can't grow the heap any more, so you have to clear your soft references to keep your application running. The latter case is more complex: a SoftReference will actively record the time of the last garbage collection when you call get(), and the garbage collector itself records the last time a collection occurred inside of a global field in SoftReference. Recording these two points provides the garbage collector with a useful piece of information: how much time has passed from the GC before the value was last accessed versus when the most current GC occurred.

Here's an example of using a SoftReference:

The JVM also provides a tuning parameter related to soft references called -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=(some time in millis). This parameter (set to 1000ms by default) indicates how long the value in a SoftReference (also called the referent) may survive when it's no longer strongly reachable in the application, based on the number of megabytes of free memory. So, if you have 100MB of free memory, your "softly reachable" object may last an additional 100 seconds by default within the heap. The reason I say "may" is that it's completely subject to when garbage collection takes place. If the softly reachable referent kicked around for 120 seconds and then became strongly reachable again, that time would reset and the referent wouldn't be available for garbage collection until the conditions I've mentioned were met again.

Now, regarding the "poor man's cache" label...

Sometimes you'll find questions online where someone will ask about building a cache where data can be expired automatically, the topic of soft references will come up, and then some will be scolded and told that you should use a cache library that has Least Recently Used (LRU) semantics like ehcache or Guava cache. While both of those as well as many other caching libraries have far more sophisticated ways for managing data than just relying on soft references, that doesn't mean that soft references don't have value in regard to caching.

In fact, ehcache has a bit of a problem in this regard: everything it caches is strongly referenced, and while it does have LRU eviction, that eviction is lazy rather than eager. This means that you could have data that isn't being used sitting around in memory, strongly referenced and not eligible for GC, and not forced out of the cache because you haven't exceeded the maximum number of entries. Guava cache, on the other hand, has a builder method of CacheBuilder.softValues() that allows you to specify that values be wrapped in a SoftReference instances. If you're using a loading cache, the value can be repopulated if it's been garbage collected automatically. In this case, soft references play nicely with a robust caching solution since you have the advanced semantics of LRU and maximum capacity along with the lazy cleanup of values that aren't being used frequently by the garbage collector.

phantom references: the tool you'll never need until you need it

Think of phantom references as what the finalize() method should have been in the first place.

Similarly to WeakReference and SoftReference, you can wrap an object in a PhantomReference instance. However, unlike the other two types, the constructor for PhantomReference requires a ReferenceQueue instance as well as the instance you're wrapping. Also unlike the other two types, the get() method of a PhantomReference always returns null. So, why does get() always return null, and what does a ReferenceQueue do?

A phantom reference only serves one purpose: to provide a way to find out if its referent has been garbage collected. An object is said to be "phantom reachable" if it is no longer strongly reachable in the application and is only reachable via the referent field of a PhantomReference instance. When the referent is garbage collected, the phantom reference is put on the reference queue instance passed into its constructor. By polling the queue, you can find out if something has been garbage collected.

Extension of phantom references can be used to provide metadata about what was garbage collected. For example, let's say we have a CustomerPhantomReference class that has a referent of type Customer and also stores a numeric id for that customer. Let's also assume that we can do some resource clean up after a customer is no longer in memory in the application. By having a background thread poll the reference queue used in the CustomerPhantomReference instance, we can get the phantom reference back providing us the numeric id of the customer that was garbage collected and perform some cleanup based on that id. This may sound very similar to the example I provided with weak references at face value, so allow me to provide some clarification. In the case of weak references, we were making other data available to be GC'd. In this case, you may have some resource cleanup you want to perform that's functional in nature rather than just making something no longer strongly reachable.

Given that, it should be clear that the reason the constructor of a PhantomReference instance requires a ReferenceQueue is that a phantom reference is useless without the queue: the only thing it tells you is that something has been garbage collected. Still though, what about get() returning null?

One of the dangers of the finalize() method is that you can reintroduce strong reachability by leaking a reference to the instance the method is being executed from. Since PhantomReference will only return null from its get() method, it doesn't provide a way for you to make the referent strongly reachable again.

so what do reference queues do in regard to weak and soft references?

We already know that soft and weak references provide a way to have things garbage collected when they would normally be strongly reachable. We also know from phantom references use a reference queue as a way to provide feedback for when something is garbage collected, which is really the purpose of phantom references to begin with. So why would we want soft and weak references to be queued up too?

The reason is actually quite simple: your soft and weak references are still strongly referenced. That's right, you could potentially end up hitting an OutOfMemoryError because of an overabundance of now useless SoftReference or WeakReference instances which are strongly referenced though the value they effectively proxied was garbage collected.

Using a ReferenceQueue allows you to poll for any type of Reference that has been garbage collected and remove it (or set it to null). There's an example of this visible in WeakHashMap.expungeStaleEntries() where the map polls its ReferenceQueue whenever you call size() or whenever getTable() or resize() is called internally.

additional resources

Garbage Collection, by Bill Venners
Understanding Weak References by Ethan Nicholas
Memory Thrashing by Steven Haines
Understanding Java Garbage Collection by Sangmin Lee
WeakHashMap is Not a Cache! by Domingos Neto
Plugging Memory Leaks with Weak References by Brian Goetz
How Hotspot Decides to Clear Soft References by Jeremy Manson


  1. "We also know from phantom references use a reference queue"...something is missing

  2. Thanks for sharing. Very useful!
